1. Boardroom style - The setup for a boardroom-style conference room is very ѕimрlе. A
classic meeting room style, where top executives talk around a central table, can be seen in
countless movies and sitcoms.
It consists of a modern center table that’s oval or rectangular, surrounded by chairs. A
video conferencing session or agenda-driven meeting is usually held using this system. A
boardroom meeting room can typically accommodate 25 people.
With slope proximity to each other, this style is ideal for short sessions involving open
discussion, like focus groups. You may want to consider this style of conference room if you
have workshop sessions that require a mid-sized group of people to discuss things.
2. U-shaped style- In a U-shaped conference room, a series of rectangular, adjustable meeting
tables are placed end to end to form a U. On the outside, chairs are
arranged. It is suitable for presentations, video conferences, and training sessions.
Taking notes is easy with this seating
arrangement since each group has its own table. Additionally, it facilitates communication
between the speaker and the audience. Such layout for conference room tables can comfortably
accommodate 25 people
These type of conference tables are quite versatile. It can be set up to allow multiple
speakers to take turns entering the middle space during an intimate presentation. Meanwhile,
participants may take notes and interact with each other, if prompted by the presenter as
part of their presentation.
3. Classroom style- The classroom-style meeting room combines elements of several other
conference table room types. Despite the fact that the audience still sits in rows facing
one main speaker, they now have tables in front of them for taking notes.
This might be the perfect meeting room style for speakers who emphasize audience
participation. For instance, the speakers may want to periodically ask people to discuss
certain aspects of the conversation with their companions or perform minor tasks using props
placed on the tables.
At MR FURNITURE, conference room tables are designed to make your conference room elegant and
sophisticated. Our consultants strive to come up with a wide range of custom-made furniture
and the best luxury office table in Dubai.