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- Robust & resistant to micro-scratches thanks to innovative wear layer: use class 33 for demanding commercial use, anti-slip according to classification R10

- Water-resistant for up to 72 hours due to special product structure with waterproof surface, the GreenTec Board coreboard with very low swelling behaviour and the Clic it! installation system

- Sustainably produced with wood from regional, certified forestry - 100% PVC-free

- Flexible installation thanks to the Clic it! installation system for different installation methods and integrated sound barrier mat made of recycled cork

- Significant impact and room sound insulation and improved walking comfort

- 25 years warranty for residential use

What do our customers think about us?

Technical site visit

MR FURNITURE is a Dubai-based brand specializing in office furniture. We provide a technical site visit to all our clients which turns out to be a very convenient and satisfactory process for them. A technical person will always be there to understand all the requirements and analyze everything from measurements to space efficiency for placing a product. Our goal is to reach the perspective of our clients to come up with solutions that match their demands.

Our specialized interior design department offers personalized space management for industry-leading office setup solutions, automated order management systems, and estimated budget development.

Layout Designing
Our specialized interior design department offers personalized space management for industry-leading office setup solutions, automated order management systems, and estimated budget development.
Our work doesn't end with designing and manufacturing office furniture, we send completely customized furniture to your door. Our in-house PSB logistics takes care of the delivery in and around the GCC countries. Our highly skilled team is always ready to assist you at every stage. We are "rapid with care" and devoted to offering our services as swiftly and as carefully as possible.
icon WaterGuard WaterGuard
icon Chamfers 4
icon Class of use 32
icon Gaurantee Lifetime
icon Thickness 8mm
icon Core Board HDF Aqua+
icon Format Classic
icon Antibacterial Antibacterial
icon Surface Texture Natural Pore

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